Anger makes you impulsive. Sorrow causes you to waver.

Try clicking stuff, some of it plays wife-related sounds :)


A deep red blood splatter on the purest patch of snow but as a person

Father Of The House

Haver of White Hair

Wearer of Suits

Doer of Evil

Everything that has ever mattered

Golly Gosh Oh Wow, My Heavens, I'm Blushing <3

- Assault - Abuse of power - Attempted theft - Child endangerment - Conspiracy - Espionage - Mass murder - Heresy - Stalking -

Being All Powerful <3

Very fun. But it's not enough. Let me make something clear. You think of yourselves as "magicians" but when you're on stage, you're first and foremost actors. Good actors hone their craft to mesmerize the whole crowd.

Wholesome Upbringing <3

Staring into my eyes is ill-advised. I can't promise you'll like what you see...

Going for a walk <3

I would advise you to keep your secrets close to your chest. Divulge them too easily, and you never know where the wind might carry them.

Spending time with the kids <3

In the end, a child must grow up, and they must surpass their parents. Only thus may a family flourish.

Always smiling <3

Seeing yourself clearly is a difficult task indeed, perhaps even a thankless one. After all, they say those who lack adequate powers of self-perception often lead a happier existence.


Distance from Wife: 10000 metres

Don't Click Me.